At Nivafy, we are committed to creating a safe and secure environment for children and young users. We have implemented the following Child Safety Policies to protect our young users from potential risks and ensure a positive online experience.
Child Safety Policies "Our children are the architects of the future; in their hands, they hold the blueprints of a world yet to be built, promising a tomorrow brighter than any yesteryear."

Minimum Age Requirement:

The minimum age to sign up for our platform is thirteen (13) years old. This requirement is in compliance with relevant data protection regulations and helps us provide age-appropriate content and features.

Restricted Private Chat:

For users aged 13 to 16, we restrict access to private chat features. This policy is designed to protect them from potentially harmful interactions with individuals who may have malicious intentions. They can only engage in private chat if it has been initiated by their parents or guardians, ensuring a safer communication environment.

Parental Consent for Game Competitions:

Users aged 13 to 16 are not allowed to participate in game competitions that offer real money prizes without the explicit consent of their parents or guardians. This policy ensures that responsible adults are involved in decisions involving potential financial risks or rewards.

Restricted Profile Visibility:

To enhance privacy and protect young users, the profile status of users aged 13 to 16 cannot be set to public. This setting restricts the visibility of their profile information to a narrower audience, helping to mitigate potential risks associated with public exposure.

Friend Request Restrictions:

Users who want to send friend requests to individuals aged 13 to 16 must have a shared connection with them. This policy aims to prevent unsolicited contact from unknown individuals and encourages interactions within a trusted network of friends and acquaintances.

Additional Policies for Child Safety:

Age Verification:

We employ age verification measures during the registration process to ensure that users meet the minimum age requirement. This helps maintain the integrity of our platform and provides a safer environment for children and young users.

Content Moderation:

We have strict content moderation processes in place to identify and remove inappropriate or harmful content that may be unsuitable for children. Our moderation team works diligently to enforce community guidelines and ensure a positive and respectful environment.

Reporting and Blocking:

We provide easy-to-use reporting and blocking mechanisms for users to report any instances of harassment, inappropriate behavior, or content violations. This empowers young users to take control of their online experiences and helps us take appropriate actions promptly.

Education and Awareness:

We actively promote online safety education and awareness campaigns, both within our platform and through partnerships with external organizations. We aim to educate children, parents, and guardians about best practices for online safety, responsible internet use, and privacy protection.

These Child Safety Policies are essential to safeguard the well-being of our young users and create a trusted online community. We are committed to continuously enhancing our safety measures and partnering with our users and their families to foster a positive and secure online environment.

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