Start Reading "Guarding our Children's Digital Journey: An Insight into Nivafy's Child Safety Measures" Nivafy Blog
March 30, 2023


In the digital age, children are starting their online journeys earlier than ever. As parents and educators, it's our responsibility to ensure this journey is safe and enriching. At Nivafy, we understand this duty, and have developed a set of comprehensive child safety policies to protect our young users. This article provides an in-depth look into these measures.

  1. Navigating the Digital Landscape
  2. Ensuring Safety with Age-Appropriate Measures
  3. Building an Inclusive Online Environment
  4. Conclusion

Navigating the Digital Landscape

In our increasingly interconnected world, online platforms play a significant role in children's lives. From education to entertainment, these platforms offer a wealth of opportunities. However, they also present challenges. Cyberbullying, exposure to inappropriate content, and privacy breaches are some of the risks children may face. At Nivafy, we are committed to mitigating these risks, paving the way for a safer, more secure online experience.

Ensuring Safety with Age-Appropriate Measures

Nivafy's child safety policies are designed with our young users' well-being at the heart. These include:
  1. Minimum Age Requirement: We've set the minimum age for registration to 13 years, ensuring age-appropriate content and features.
  2. Restricted Private Chat: To protect young users from potential risks, we restrict private chat features for users aged 13 to 16.
  3. Parental Consent for Game Competitions: For users aged 13 to 16, parental consent is required before participating in game competitions with real money prizes.
  4. Restricted Profile Visibility: Profiles of users aged 13 to 16 are set to private, reducing exposure to potential risks.
  5. Friend Request Restrictions: Friend requests for users aged 13 to 16 can only be sent by those with shared connections, protecting them from unsolicited contact.
  6. Age Verification, Content Moderation, Reporting, and Blocking: Additional measures such as age verification, robust content moderation, and accessible reporting/blocking mechanisms help us maintain a safe community.

Building an Inclusive Online Environment

At Nivafy, we believe in creating an environment where children can explore, learn, and connect safely. Our commitment extends beyond protective measures. We also invest in education and awareness, helping children, parents, and guardians understand online safety. Through partnerships and campaigns, we aim to equip users with knowledge and promote responsible internet use.


The digital world holds immense potential for our children. With thoughtful policies and continuous education, we can help them navigate this landscape safely and confidently. At Nivafy, we're dedicated to protecting our young users' digital journey, crafting a secure and nurturing online space for them to grow and thrive.
In our increasingly interconnected world, online platforms play a significant role in children's lives.

"In the vast digital landscape, it is our collective duty to guard the footsteps of the young, illuminating their path with safety, knowledge, and respect." "The internet is not just a network of computers, but a playground for our children's minds. Ensuring their safety is the cornerstone for nurturing the architects of the future."