Nivafy a Nivaverse Company Transparency Report Glossary

In our ongoing effort to maintain transparency and trust with our users, we present the Nivafy a Nivaverse Company Transparency Report Glossary. This glossary defines key terms, policies, and operational practices that are crucial to understanding our transparency report.

Sexual Content: This term includes the distribution or promotion of sexual nudity, pornography, or commercial sexual services. For a deeper understanding, please refer to our detailed explainer guide on Sexual Content.

Harassment and Bullying: This covers any behavior that can cause emotional distress to an ordinary person, including verbal abuse, sexual harassment, and unwanted sexual attention. It also encompasses the sharing or receipt of non-consensual intimate imagery (NCII). For more details, please review our explainer guide on Harassment & Bullying.

Threats & Violence: This refers to content expressing an intention to inflict serious physical or emotional harm. It includes content that glorifies, incites, or depicts human violence, animal abuse, or graphic imagery. More information is available in our explainer guide on Threats, Violence, and Harm.

Self-Harm & Suicide: This category includes content that glorifies self-harm, such as the promotion of self-injury, suicide, or eating disorders. For further information, refer to our explainer guide on Self-Harm and Suicide.

False Information: This includes content that is false or misleading and causes harm, such as denying tragic events, making unsubstantiated medical claims, or undermining civic processes. Please review our explainer guide on False or Deceptive Information for more insight.

Impersonation: Occurs when an account falsely represents itself as another person or brand. Further details can be found in our explainer guide on Impersonation and Deceptive Practices.

Spam: This refers to unsolicited or irrelevant content shared in a manner that causes confusion or poses a risk to users. Our explainer guide on Spam and Malicious Content provides more information.

Drugs: This category includes the promotion, distribution, or use of illegal drugs and related illicit activities. For a comprehensive understanding, review our explainer guide on Illegal or Regulated Activities.

Weapons: This term covers items designed or used for causing harm or damage. Our explainer guide on Weapons and Regulated Goods offers more details.

Other Regulated Goods: Includes the promotion of regulated goods or industries, such as illegal gambling, tobacco, and alcohol, as well as illegal or dangerous activities. For more information, refer to our explainer guide on Regulated Goods and Activities.

Hate Speech: This is content that demeans or discriminates against individuals or groups based on various characteristics. Our explainer guide on Hate Speech and Extremism provides further details.

Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (CSE&A): Refers to content that involves sexual images of minors or any form of child sexual exploitation and abuse. All instances are reported to the authorities. For more, see our explainer guide on CSE&A.

Terrorism & Violent Extremism: This includes content that supports or promotes terrorism or violent extremist acts. More information can be found in our explainer guide on Terrorism and Violent Extremism.

Content & Account Reports: These are the total numbers of content pieces and accounts reported to Nivafy a Nivaverse Company via our in-app reporting features.

Enforcement Actions: This refers to actions taken against content or accounts, such as deletion or warnings. This includes both automated and human interventions.

Total Content & Account Enforcements: These metrics represent the total number of content pieces and unique accounts that faced enforcement actions.

% of Total Content Enforced: This percentage represents the proportion of content enforced within a category relative to the total content enforced.

Turnaround Time: The duration from receiving a report to the final enforcement action.

Violative View Rate (VVR): This metric indicates the percentage of views containing violating content against the total views on Nivafy a Nivaverse Company.

This glossary is a part of our commitment to maintaining an open and safe platform for all users. For more detailed explanations guide, please refer to the respective explainers linked in each section.