Community Guidelines

Here and in our Terms of Service, we have specified rules for content that is not allowed on Nivafy a Nivaverse Company, and we work diligently to enforce these rules consistently. However, it’s challenging to foresee every possible scenario. To foster responsible use of Nivafy a Nivaverse Company’s services, we provide additional explanations linked in the sections below.

Our goal is for Nivafy a Nivaverse Company to be a safe and positive platform for all users. We retain the right to determine, in our sole discretion, which content or behaviors breach the spirit of our rules. To learn more about our Moderation, Enforcement, and Appeals click here. 

Sexual Content

Promoting, distributing, or sharing pornographic content is strictly prohibited on our platform. We also don’t allow commercial activities linked to pornography or sexual interactions, either online or offline. Breastfeeding and other non-sexual depictions of nudity are typically allowed. We explicitly ban any activity that involves sexual exploitation or abuse of minors, such as sharing child sexual exploitation imagery, grooming, or sexual extortion (sextortion).

All cases of child sexual exploitation are reported to the authorities, including attempts to engage in such conduct. Never post, save, send, forward, distribute, or ask for nude or sexually explicit content involving anyone under 18 (this includes sending or saving such images of yourself). For more details about sexual conduct and content that infringe our Community Guidelines, please review here.

Harassment & Bullying

We do not tolerate any form of bullying or harassment. This includes all forms of sexual harassment, such as sending unwanted sexually explicit, suggestive, or nude images to other users. If you are blocked by a user, you are not permitted to contact them from a different account. Sharing someone else’s private information, or images of someone in a private setting — like a bathroom, bedroom, locker room, or medical facility — without their consent is strictly forbidden. If someone requests you to remove a photo or video that includes them, please comply! Respect other users’ privacy rights. Do not misuse our reporting systems, such as deliberately reporting permissible content. For more information about bullying and harassment that violates our Community Guidelines, please review here.

Threats, Violence & Harm

Encouraging or participating in violent or dangerous behavior is strictly forbidden. Never intimidate or threaten to harm an individual, a group, or someone’s property. Post depicting unnecessary or graphic violence, including animal abuse, are not allowed. We don’t permit the glorification of self-harm, including the promotion of self-injury, suicide, or eating disorders. For more information about threats, violence, and harm that violate our Community Guidelines, please review here.

Harmful False or Deceptive Information

We prohibit spreading harmful or malicious false information, such as denying the occurrence of tragic events, making unsubstantiated medical claims, undermining the integrity of civic processes, or manipulating content for deceptive purposes. Pretending to be someone or something that you’re not for harmful, non-satirical purposes, including impersonating friends, celebrities, public figures, brands, or other organizations, is not allowed. We prohibit spam and deceptive practices, including imitating Nivafy a Nivaverse Company or Nivafy a Nivaverse Company Inc. For more information about harmful false or deceptive content that infringes our Community Guidelines, please review here.

Illegal or Regulated Activities

Do not use Nivafy a Nivaverse Company for any illegal activity. This includes promoting, facilitating, or participating in criminal activity, such as the purchase, sale, exchange, or facilitation of sales of illegal or regulated drugs, contraband (like child sexual abuse or exploitation imagery), weapons, or counterfeit goods or documents. This also includes promoting or facilitating any form of exploitation, including human trafficking or sex trafficking. We prohibit the illegal promotion of regulated goods or industries, including unauthorized promotion of gambling, tobacco or vape products, and alcohol. For more information about prohibited illegal or regulated activities that infringe our Community Guidelines, please review here.

Hateful Content, Terrorism, and Violent

Extremism Terrorist organizations, violent extremists, and hate groups are not allowed on our platform. We have zero tolerance for content that advocates or promotes terrorism or violent extremism. Hate speech or content that degrades, defames, or promotes discrimination or violence on the basis of race, color, caste, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or veteran status, immigration status, socio-economic status, age, weight, or pregnancy status is prohibited. For more information about hateful content, terrorism, and violent extremism that violates our Community Guidelines, please review here.

Guidance on Political and Religious Discussions: Emphasizing Compassion and Creativity

In the spirit of fostering a community grounded in compassion and positivity, Nivafy a Nivaverse Company has instituted thoughtful restrictions on discussions surrounding politics and religion. These topics, while important, often evoke heated debates and can detract from the experience we aim to provide. Nivafy a Nivaverse Company is envisioned as a sanctuary of support, creativity, and constructive engagement, a place where users come to enhance their lives and explore new ideas in a nurturing environment.

We believe that by channeling our collective focus towards exchanging innovative ideas and creative expression, we can cultivate a platform that not only entertains but uplifts and improves the daily experiences of our community. It is with this intent that we outline our approach to political and religious content:


We understand that political discourse is an integral part of societal engagement. However, Nivafy a Nivaverse Company’s focus remains on creating a nonpartisan space that steers clear of political tumult. Our platform is not a space for political campaigning, lobbying, or soliciting political donations. Content that misleads users about political processes, promotes political violence, or significantly disrupts the community with divisive political debate will be considered a violation of our guidelines.


Religious beliefs are deeply personal, and respectful dialogue on these matters is allowed within our guidelines. Nevertheless, Nivafy a Nivaverse Company is not a venue for religious contention or proselytization. We aim to ensure that discussions do not alienate or offend, but instead respect the diverse tapestry of faiths represented by our users. Content that may be seen as discriminatory or that incites religious hostility is not in line with our ethos and will be subject to moderation.

To ensure these guidelines are upheld, we employ a combination of community reporting, automated systems, and human review. Users found to be engaging in prohibited political or religious discussions may face content removal, account suspension, or termination, depending on the severity and nature of the violation. We encourage our users to engage thoughtfully and respectfully when discussing sensitive topics, keeping in mind the diverse backgrounds and beliefs within our community.

Enforcement and Reporting:

Nivafy a Nivaverse Company’s enforcement of these guidelines will be carried out with sensitivity and respect for individual expression, balancing the need for open dialogue with our commitment to maintaining a serene and supportive community. Should you encounter content that you feel violates these guidelines, we encourage you to utilize our reporting tools. Our dedicated Safety team will review each case with the utmost care, ensuring that our community remains a beacon of positivity and progress.

Our hope is that these guidelines will be embraced in the spirit they are intended, as we continue to nurture a space where everyone is encouraged to live, share, and grow in ways that resonate with our core values of kindness, understanding, and collective betterment.

Remember, you can always submit a report to our Safety team using our reporting features or by completing this form. These reports are reviewed to determine violations of these Guidelines.

If you violate these Community Guidelines, we may remove the offensive content, terminate or limit the visibility of your account, and/or notify law enforcement. We collaborate with global law enforcement when activity poses a threat to human life. If your account is terminated for violating these Guidelines, you are prohibited from using Nivafy a Nivaverse Company again.

Nivafy a Nivaverse Company reserves the right to remove or restrict account access for users whom we have reason to believe, in our sole discretion, pose a danger to others, on or off of Nivafy a Nivaverse Company. These include leaders of hate groups and terrorist organizations, individuals with a reputation for inciting violence, inflicting severe harm on others, or behavior that we believe poses a threat to human life.

Please take these Guidelines seriously and respect them in the spirit in which they are intended.