Nivafy a Nivaverse Company’s Reporting Guide

Nivafy a Nivaverse Company, believes in fostering a safe and supportive community for all its users. Reporting inappropriate or concerning content is a crucial part of maintaining a positive environment. Here’s a guide to help you understand how reporting works on Nivafy a Nivaverse Company:

Why Reporting Matters

Nivafy a Nivaverse Company, is a collaborative community, and we all share the responsibility of keeping it secure and enjoyable. Reporting helps us address content that violates our community guidelines, Term of service and safeguards the platform for everyone.

What Content is Not Allowed

Nivafy a Nivaverse Company, strictly prohibits various types of content, including harassment, bullying, hate speech, impersonation, threats, criminal activity, and other harmful behavior. Familiarize yourself with our Community Guidelines and Terms of Service for a clear understanding of what’s not allowed.

How to Make a Report

To report a piece of content, simply click on the ⋮ (ellipsis) button located in the right corner of the relevant Journey. Then, select the flag or report icon.

Confidentiality of Reports

Rest assured; all reports are kept strictly confidential. Nivafy a Nivaverse Company, will never disclose the identity of the person who made the report to the subject of the report. While Nivafy a Nivaverse Company rarely needs to involve law enforcement, if you come across anything illegal or dangerous, or if someone’s safety is at risk, please immediately contact your local law enforcement agency in addition to reporting it to Nivafy a Nivaverse Company.

What Happens After You Report

Our Trust & Safety Team reviews every report submitted. If they find that the content violates our Community Guidelines, appropriate action will be taken, which may include removing the content or suspending the account. Only in rare cases where necessary will law enforcement be informed.

Report Outcome

While we review all reports, we don’t provide individual users with specific outcomes. However, we do publish statistics on reported content in our Transparency Report.

Additional Safety Measures

Explore Nivafy a Nivaverse Company’s privacy settings, which are essential to tailor your experience. The default setting, “My Friends,” allows only those on your Friends list to contact you directly or view your Journeys and location (if enabled). We recommend using this setting, especially if you’re under 18. Learn more about our privacy setting here.

Blocking or Removing Users

You can also enhance your safety by removing or blocking users. When you remove someone from your connections, they won’t see your private Journeys but might still access any public content. Blocking a user prevents them from viewing your Journeys or contacting you.

Need More Help?

For additional support, consider reaching out to the CyberTipline from the National Center for Missing & Exploited Kids. They handle reports of suspected online child exploitation, online enticement of children, and child sexual abuse images. They work closely with law enforcement and tech companies to ensure online safety. You can contact them at or by calling 1-800-THE-LOST.

Together, we can create a safer and more enjoyable environment on Nivafy a Nivaverse Company. Thank you for being a responsible member of our community.