How to Adjust Your Privacy Settings on Nivafy

Your privacy on Nivafy is important, and we provide you with the flexibility to customize it to your preferences. By default, only ‘Friends’ you’ve added on Nivafy can contact you directly or view your Journeys. Here’s how you can change your privacy settings:

  • Tap the ⚙️ button in the Profile screen to access Settings.
  • Scroll down to the ‘Privacy Controls’ section and tap an option that suits your needs.
  • Make your choice and then tap the back button to save your selection.

Privacy Settings Options:

Who Can Contact Me: Choose who can reach out to you directly with posts, tags, Chats, calls, and more.

Send Me Notifications: Decide if you want to receive notifications from everyone or just your friends. Learn more about notifications settings for iOS and Android.

Who Can View My Journey: Control who can view your Journeys. If needed, you can tap ‘Custom’ to block specific friends from accessing your Journeys.

Who Can See My Location: Select who can view your location on the Nivafy Map. Your location remains private until you open it on the Map.

Who Can See Me In Quick Add: Choose who can see you in Quick Add, a feature that simplifies adding friends.

Activity Indicator: Decide if other Nivafy users can see if you’ve been active on the platform recently.

A Few Important Notes:

If you select ‘My Friends,’ members of any Group you’re in will still be able to communicate with you in Group Chat.

Opting for ‘My Friends’ means you won’t see posts sent by non-friends; you’ll only receive a notification that they added you as a friend. If you add them back, you’ll gain access to their posts.

If you choose ‘Everyone’ for ‘Contact Me,’ even users you haven’t added can send you posts and Chats.

If you change your Journeys settings from public to ‘My Friends’ or other privacy options, remember that contents you posted before the change might still be visible to some users.

Tip : If you wish to receive posts from ‘Everyone’ but only want notifications when ‘Friends’ tags you, you can adjust your notification settings in your Nivafy settings for iOS or Android under ‘Notifications.’

Your privacy, your rules. Tailor your Nivafy experience to your liking with these privacy settings.